Results for 'Jesús Olmo Navas'

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  1.  12
    La rehabilitación en el deporte.Jesús Olmo Navas - 2000 - Arbor 165 (650):227-248.
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    Characterizing Unaccompanied Foreign Minors: Educational Level and Length of Stay as Individual Difference Factors That Impact Academic Self-Efficacy.María del Carmen Olmos-Gómez, María Dolores Pistón-Rodríguez, Ramón Chacón-Cuberos, José Javier Romero-Díaz de la Guardia, Jesús Manuel Cuevas-Rincón & Eva María Olmedo-Moreno - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of the present study is to analyze individual differences in academic self-efficacy within a population of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors from the European cities of Ceuta and Melilla. Variables describing educational level and length of stay were considered in a sample of 377 individuals being cared for in different youth centers. Of these, 63.4% belonged to the group who had stayed at the center for less than 9 months and 36.6% reported a length of stay of more than 9 (...)
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    Entre la tragedia griega y las películas de carretera: Iré como un caballo loco de Fernando Arrabal.Francisco Javier Ruiz del Olmo & Jesús Del Río - 2019 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 47:135-147.
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    Between the greek tragedy and the road movies: Fernando Arrabal’s Iré como un caballo loco.Francisco-Javier Ruiz-del-Olmo & Jesús del Río - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 47:135-147.
    Resumen El presente texto realiza un análisis de la estructura narrativa, y de la estética y contenido de la obra cinematográfica de Fernando Arrabal Iré como un caballo loco. Más allá de su reconocida trayectoria como dramaturgo, esta obra singular construye de forma profunda y estructurada una narración compleja, llena de referentes biográficos, literarios y mediáticos, más allá de la simple apariencia de caos, confusión y absurdo. La intertextualidad de su estructura narrativa obliga a realizar un análisis cualitativo e interdisciplinar, (...)
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    Jesús GIRÓN – Ricardo LÁZARO – Fernando RAMÓN, Me amó y se entregó por mí (Gal 2,20). Libro homenaje a Juan Miguel Díaz Rodelas (Presencia Teológica 313), Santander, Sal Terrae, 2024, 872 pp. 39,90 €. ISBN 978-84-293-3175-2. [REVIEW]Emilio López Navas - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (2):408-410.
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    Mª Isabel del Val Valdivieso, Magdalena Santo Tomas Perez, Mª Jesús Dueñas Cepeda, Cristina de la Rosa Cubo (dir.), La Historia de las Mujeres : una revisión historiográfica.Emilio Olmos Herguedas - 2008 - Clio 27:250-252.
    Cet ouvrage important reflète le dynamisme actuel en Espagne de la recherche en histoire des femmes, tout en vérifiant la diversité théorique, méthodologique et thématique de ce courant historiographique. Afin de faciliter la présentation nous regroupons par thèmes les 24 travaux inclus dans cette vaste publication. En premier lieu, distinguons les contributions orientées vers l’analyse théorique. Mª Isabel del Val Valdivieso dans « A modo de introducción. La historiografía en los albores del...
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    Cuestión de la «Orfandad» de la Generación de la Democracia y de la Recepción Que Hicieron Del Pensamiento Español Que Les Precedió.María del Olmo Ibáñez & Benjamín Herreros Ruiz de Valdepeñas - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 93:65-80.
    Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la relación y la recepción que cuatro filósofos de la generación de la democracia: Tomás Pollán, Javier Sádaba, Manuel Fraijó y Jesús Mosterín han mantenido y realizado respectivamente, con y sobre, el pensamiento español contemporáneo que les antecedió.
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  8. Self-Transcendent Aspirations and Life Satisfaction: The Moderated Mediation Role of Gratitude Considering Conditional Effects of Affective and Cognitive Empathy.Xavier Oriol, Jesús Unanue, Rafael Miranda, Alberto Amutio & César Bazán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Burnout in university students of the academic programs of Bachelor in Public Accounting (BPA) and Bachelor in Economics and Finance (BEF) of the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora.Jesús Nereida Aceves-López, Erika Soledad Aceves-Córdova, Nora Edith González-Navarro & Elba Myriam Navarro-Arvizu - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía y Cotidianidad 10 (26).
    The challenges of adapting to this new world require universities to establish new actions that strengthen the preparation of their students. The objective of the research is to identify the degree of burnout that students of the Bachelor of Public Accounting (BPA) and Bachelor of Economics and Finance (BEF) programs of the Technological Institute of Sonora are experiencing. The research methodology is quantitative, non-experimental, with a cross-sectional design and descriptive scope. To collect the information, the Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBISS) was (...)
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  10. Theory of Self- vs. Externally-Regulated LearningTM: Fundamentals, Evidence, and Applicability.Jesús de la Fuente-Arias - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Philosophy and Cognitive Science.A. Clark, Jesus Ezquerro & J. M. Larrazabal (eds.) - 1996 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Towards ‘An Intellectual Capital-Based View of the Firm’: Origins and Nature.Gregorio Martín-de-Castro, Miriam Delgado-Verde, Pedro López-Sáez & José E. Navas-López - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (4):649-662.
    Economic and social activities are undergoing radical changes, which can be labelled as ‘knowledge economy and/or society’. In this sense, intellectual capital, or knowledge assets, as the fourth factor of production, is replacing the other ones – job, land and capital. This article tries to offer the origins and nature of the firm’s IC that can be labelled as ‘An Intellectual Capital-Based View of the Firm Competition’. This framework tries to highlight the strategic role of different intangible assets like talented (...)
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    In memoriam Prof.ª Concepción Castillo Castillo (19 de noviembre de 1940 – 11 de junio de 2024).María Jesús Viguera-Molins & Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala - 2024 - Al-Qantara 45 (1):829.
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  14. El lenguaje religioso cristiano desde la perspectiva simbólica.C. José de Jesús - 2006 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:7-108.
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  15. Differential Effects of Self- vs. External-Regulation on Learning Approaches, Academic Achievement, and Satisfaction in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Paul Sander, Douglas F. Kauffman & Meryem Yilmaz Soylu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of this research was to determine the degree to which undergraduate students’ learning approach, academic achievement and satisfaction were determined by the combination of an intrapersonal factor (self-regulation) and a interpersonal factor (contextual or regulatory teaching). The hypothesis proposed that greater combined regulation (internal and external) would be accompanied by more of a deep approach to learning, more satisfaction and higher achievement, while a lower level of combined regulation would determine a surface approach, less satisfaction and lower achievement. (...)
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    Procesamiento de la contabilidad nominal en cuatro pacientes anglófonos con afasia.Lucas Jesús Martínez Almagro & Lidia Taillefer - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (2):1-12.
    Esta investigación indaga sobre el procesamiento de la contabilidad nominal. De hecho, añade más evidencia a favor de una posible influencia del número semántico en el procesamiento de los sustantivos incontables en cuatro pacientes diagnosticadas con afasia de Broca, siendo su lengua materna es el inglés. Esto sugiere que el procesamiento de estos sustantivos sería un híbrido tanto sintáctico como semántico. Además, corrobora al igual que estudios previos, un déficit específico en la gramática de los sustantivos incontables.
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  17. PERCEPTION ON HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING IN CEBU CITY, PHILIPPINES.Jiomarie Jesus - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 21 (5):574-579.
    This study examines the relationship between sustainability and employee perceptions of Human Capital Management (HCM) practices in Cebu City's Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry. The participation of 370 different BPO companies at Cebu I.T. Park indicates their dedication to HCM and highlights areas that require improvement, particularly in labor relations and HRIS deployment. Employee evaluations are influenced by demographic factors such as age, gender, and educational attainment. Suggestions for improvement include implementing employee development plans, streamlining the HRIS, strengthening due process, (...)
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    La discriminación de la mujer en las órdenes budistas.María Jesús Alonso Seoane - 2018 - Endoxa 42:137.
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  19. Commentary: The need for balancing the reproductive rights of women and the unborn in the mexican court room.María de Jesús Medina Arellano - 2010 - Medical Law Review 18 (3):427-33.
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    Los estudios novohispanos en la obra Mauricio Beuchot y los orígenes de la Hermenéutica Analógica.Luis Aarón Jesús Patiño Palafox - 2025 - Valenciana 35:235-260.
    El presente trabajo busca analizar la relación de la propuesta de hermenéutica analógica de Mauricio Beuchot con sus estudios previos publicados para documentar la historia de la filosofía novohispana, encontrando en estos la raíz de la famosa propuesta Beuchot. Palabras clave: Beuchot, hermenéutica analógica, filosofía novohispana.
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    Hermenêutica Entre Filosofia e Literatura; Funções Éticas da Imaginação.Luiz Rohden & Valdinei Vicente de Jesus - 2024 - Dissertatio 8 (supl.):100-123.
    Partindo de uma suspeita, em geral negativa, que pesa sobre a imaginação, pretendemos, em primeiro lugar, aqui justificar a dignidade e a importância filosófica da imaginação na elaboração de textos literários. Em segundo lugar, vamos fundamentar algumas funções éticas que o texto literário comporta realizar e corporificar experimentos mentais sobre ideias, valores. E, por fim, atestar a contribuição impar que o jogo da imaginação exerce na solução dos hard cases da filosofia moral a partir de Ricoeur. Faremos isto, num primeiro (...)
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    Imago repraesentationis creata.María-Jesús Soto-Bruna - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (2):125-143.
    Autorka artykułu podejmuje temat mistyki spekulacyjnej dotyczącej tego, czy istoty ludzkie mogą osiągnąć pełną jedność z zasadą bytu w kontekście koncepcji imago repraesentationis Mikołaja z Kuzy. U Mikołaja z Kuzy to pytanie pojawia się w kontekście zachowania wolności człowieka,jako imago imitationis creata, dzięki unii personalnej z Absolutem.Dans cet article l’auteur traite un thème de la spéculation mystique qui concerne la question de savoir si l’etre humain peut atteindre une union complete avec l’origine ou principe de l’être dans le contexte de (...)
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  23. Why are good theories good? reflections on epistemic values, confirmation, and formal epistemology.Jesús Zamora-Bonilla - 2013 - Synthese 190 (9):1533-1553.
    Franz Huber’s (2008a) attempt to unify inductivist and hypothetico-deductivist intuitions on confirmation by means of a single measure are examined and compared with previous work on the theory of verisimilitude or truthlikeness. The idea of connecting ‘the logic of confirmation’ with ‘the logic of acceptability’ is also critically discussed, and it is argued that ‘acceptability’ takes necessarily into account some pragmatic criteria, and that at least two normative senses of ‘acceptability’ must be distinguished: ‘acceptable’ in the sense of ‘being allowed (...)
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    La praxis de los carismas en la Iglesia de san Agustín.Joseph Bentivegna & Jesús Alvarez - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):15-37.
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    La "aesthetica" de Bumgarten y sus antecedentes leibnicianos.María Jesús Soto Bruna - 1987 - Anuario Filosófico 20 (2):181-190.
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  26. Filosofía para niñ@ s: contexto para la construcción de la imagen igualitaria entre mujeres y varones.Oneida de Jesús Chirino Ferrer - 2007 - Episteme 27 (1):27-40.
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    Corpo e Escola.Gregory de Jesus Gonçalves Cinto, Romualdo Dias & Sueli Aparecida Itman Monteiro - 2013 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 19 (19):4-24.
    Apresentamos os resultados dos nossos estudos entre os processos educacionais e processos de subjetivação. Associamos este fato com a dificuldade dos educadores deslocarem o corpo do lugar de quem ensina para o lugar de quem aprende. Estudamos as implicações do corpo nos processos educacionais e sugerimos uma “atitude moderna” a partir do “cuidado de si”, apoiados em Foucault, como a ação do educador que “toma partido” do educando.
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    La criatura como distinción.María Jesús Soto-Bruna - 2002 - Studia Poliana 4:141-165.
    El título del presente artículo apunta a la investigación de una de las tesis centrales del pensamiento de Leonardo Polo referido a la creación, y que se encuentra explícitamente formulada en el Tomo I de su Antropología trascendental. Concretamente, la tesis poliana propone abordar el estudio de la criatura desde su carácter de acto de ser creado, distinto por ello del Ser increado.
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  29. REALIZING ORGANIZATIONAL POTENTIAL: CUSTOMIZED TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR IMPROVED WORKPLACE BEHAVIOR.Jiomarie Jesus - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 21 (6): 629-634.
    This research examines how it is to have tailored training programs to improve behavior at work. It focuses on aspects including interpersonal skills, communication, adaptability, and work ethics. Acknowledging the paucity of empirical research on particular training requirements for these characteristics, the study uses a descriptive-correlational methodology to examine information from ninety production employees at Fine Interiors Trading and Manufacturing Incorporated. To guarantee participation from a range of employment roles, participants were chosen using purposive sampling. Utilizing an extensive survey to (...)
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  30. The Influence of an Organisation’s Corporate Values on Employees Personal Buying Behaviour.Jesús Cambra-Fierro, Yolanda Polo-Redondo & Alan Wilson - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):157-167.
    This article explores the influence that an organisation's corporate values have on employees' behaviour and values both within and outside the work environment. In particular, it focuses on the impact of these values on the personal buying behaviour of employees. The empirical research was undertaken within a case study organisation that produces wine in Spain and involved interviews with senior management, an analysis of company documentation, as well as group discussions with employees supported by an employee survey. The article argues (...)
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    Belleza y moral en Yuriko Saito.M. ª Jesús Godoy Domínguez - 2022 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 77 (296):787-807.
    Este trabajo pretende abordar los juicios estético-morales establecidos por Yuriko Saito en el ámbito reciente de la estética de lo cotidiano, a la luz de la belleza funcionalista del pensador ilustrado David Hume. Para ello, se desentraña el mecanismo afectivo sobre el que descansa la experiencia estética tanto en el caso del objeto intrascendente de todos los días sobre el que teoriza Saito, como en el caso del objeto utilitario sobre el que discurre Hume y que demuestra que el juicio (...)
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    Heidegger and the problem of technique.Jesús Hernández Reynes - 1985 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 12:19.
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    La aplicación de la ética de la alteridad al colectivo de afrodescendientes: un análisis crítico del caso portugués durante la crisis pandémica.Alexandra Jesús Oliveira Lopes - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 36:144-169.
    La alteridad es el reconocimiento del otro; es el acto de reconocer una realidad alternativa de la nuestra que, en las sociedades actuales es un presupuesto epistemológico, es decir, una condición ab initio sin la cual no se podría configurar el diálogo intercultural que todos hacemos, si bien a veces implícitamente. Así mismo, la presente comunicación versará sobre el status quo de la aplicación de la ética de la alteridad en el Estado Portugués y, en particular, en lo que concierne (...)
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  34. Gepflogenheit als Institution.Jesús Padilla Gálvez - 2018 - Archivs Für Begriffsgeschichte 60:345-362.
    The aim of this article is to examine the concept of ›custom‹ (Gepflogenheit) in Wittgenstein’s philosophy. Any meaningful human action is underpinned by rules. Custom is situated in the transition phase from the actual rule to the following of this rule. However, as the concept of ›rule‹ is a term with blurred edges and does not allow any ›interpretations behind interpretations‹, it can- not guarantee objectivity. Therefore, a platonic perspective must be adopted which involves fixed rules but makes it impossible (...)
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    Phenomenology as Grammar.Jesús Padilla Gálvez - 2008 - In Jesús Padilla Gálvez (ed.), Phenomenology as Grammar. Heusenstamm [Germany]: De Gruyter. pp. 7-14.
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    Ethical challenges of social work in Spain during COVID-19.María-Jesús Úriz, Juan-Jesús Viscarret & Alberto Ballestero - 2023 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:45-57.
    _This article presents the main ethical challenges faced by social work professionals in Spain during the "first wave" of COVID-19 in 2020. The pandemic had a serious impact not only on the health sector, but also in the field of social work. During this time, social workers had to address serious ethical questions regarding issues such as confidentiality breaches, how to fairly distribute available resources, the lack of personal contact and emotional connection with the service users, the difficulties of working (...)
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    Speak My Language and I Will Remember Your Face Better: An ERP Study.Cristina Baus, Jesús Bas, Marco Calabria & Albert Costa - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Educação: Um serviço da igreja.Terezinha Sueli de Jesus Rocha - 2018 - Revista de Teologia 12 (21):22-44.
    Igreja e Educação, tema que se constrói e se manifesta como realização da missão evangelizadora pedida por Jesus Cristo, quando da sua subida aos céus. Ao assumir a educação, a Igreja percebe o mundo como uma realidade em contínua transformação e acredita que o ser humano pode, com suas atitudes, alterar os rumos da sociedade por meio da vivência solidária e da luta por um mundo melhor. Sendo os elementos-chave do processo educacional, a igualdade, a solidariedade, a autonomia, a cidadania (...)
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    Propuestas pastorales a partir del análisis socio-cultural de Byung-Chul Han.Jesús Rojano Martínez - 2016 - Salmanticensis 63 (3):413-439.
    El artículo busca hacer una lectura de los “signos de los tiempos”, en el doble sentido de GS 4, 11 y 44, a partir del análisis de la sociedad occidental actual que está realizando en sus libros el filó- sofo coreano Byung-Chul Han, residente en Alemania y catedrático de Filosofía en Berlín. Partiendo de este análisis se presentan algunas propuestas pastorales.
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    Ipazia d’Alessandria come anello della grande tradizione filosofica greca. Μῆτερ καὶ ἀδελφὴ καὶ διδάσκαλε.Pedro Jesús Teruel - 2012 - Itinera 4.
    In this paper we are moving from the analysis of the historiographical and literary aspects of the figure of Hypatia of Alexandria in order to get to the reconstruction of her personal and intellectual trajectory. We enunciate the guidelines of her thought, which we base on her methodological approach to mathematics, geometry and astronomy; on the basic beliefs of the cosmological model to which she would have given her support; and finally, on the global vision which defines her manner of (...)
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    Corporate environmental reputation: Exploring its definitional landscape.Gregorio Martín-de Castro, Javier Amores-Salvadó, José E. Navas-López & Remy M. Balarezo-Núñez - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):130-142.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Generating SAT instances with community structure.Jesús Giráldez-Cru & Jordi Levy - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 238:119-134.
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    Recomendaciones bioéticas para la pandemia, una perspectiva personalista.Nestor Daniel Ramirez Borrero, Mónica Andrea Corredor Niño & Sergio Eduardo Navas Gutierrez - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 25 (1):2515-2515.
    The health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic revealed limitations in health systems worldwide, making it necessary to establish a bioethical framework that provides tools to drive health professionals’ decision-making amid scarce health resources. Bioethical models such as principlism, utilitarianism, and personalism seek to focus clinical decisions on respect for people’s rights and dignity, thus protecting the medical practice. Personalism provides a person-centered approach to respect for human dignity during health emergencies to avoid giving material meaning to the individual. Decision (...)
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    APUNTES SOBRE LA INTEGRACIÓN ENERGÉTICA BINACIONAL COLOMBO-VENEZOLANA.Jesus E. Caldera Ynfante - 2022 - Dissertation, Universidad la Gran Colombia
    Se proponen ideas que apuntan a la Integración energética colombo-venezolana teniendo en cuenta el impulso de cambio político, social y económico entre Colombia y Venezuela .
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  45. Coloniality : key dimensions and critical implications.Noah De Lissovoy & Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon - 2019 - In Derek Ford (ed.), Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education: Common Concepts for Contemporary Movements. Boston: Brill.
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  46. "The configurarion of our horizon of experience and judgement as a dynamic process. Some considerations about the laboratory of consciousness in Hegel's" Phenomenology of Spirit".José de Jesús Jaime Galván - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15 (cialidad y subjetividad humanas):267-273.
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    Lex Artis en oftalmología, análisis ético y bioético.Claudia Lorena Arellano Martínez, María Fernanda Martínez Palomo, Rene Dávila Mendoza, Juan Manuel Paulin Huerta, Carlos Francisco Navas Villar, Ulises de Dios Cuadras, Jaime Francisco Rosales Padrón, Jane Nemer Yaspik & Camila González Rodríguez - 2022 - Medicina y Ética 33 (4):1129-1166.
    Las personas dedicadas a otorgar servicios de la salud tienen el compromiso legal, ético, profesional y humano de velar por la salud y el bienestar de la sociedad. Un médico no sólo debe formarse en el ámbito académico y técnico, también debe construir y trabajar en su ética profesional. La actualización médica continua en medicina basada en evidencia y el continuo adiestramiento en el área práctica y clínica, si bien son de suma importancia, deben ir de la mano con la (...)
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    Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease.María Dolores Peláez-Aguilera, Macarena Espinilla, María Rosa Fernández Olmo & Javier Medina - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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    The role of meta-analysis and preregistration in assessing the evidence for cleansing effects.Robert M. Ross, Robbie C. M. van Aert, Olmo R. van den Akker & Michiel van Elk - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Lee and Schwarz interpret meta-analytic research and replication studies as providing evidence for the robustness of cleansing effects. We argue that the currently available evidence is unconvincing because publication bias and the opportunistic use of researcher degrees of freedom appear to have inflated meta-analytic effect size estimates, and preregistered replications failed to find any evidence of cleansing effects.
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    Quelques Remarques Sur Les Critiques de Leibniz a la Philosophie de Descartes.William de Jesus Teixeira - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (40):451-460.
    Cet article a pour but de faire une brève discussion sur les critiques de Leibniz à la philosophie de Descartes. Ayant ce but en vue, on va d’abord discuter l’attaque que Leibniz a déclenchée contre la méthodologie cartésienne. Ensuite, on présente les raisons qui ont aménées Leibniz à rejeter les notions fondamentales de la métaphysique cartésienne. Après cela, on arrive à l’analyse du vigoureux refus dont la physique de Descartes a été l’objet. Finalement, de ces discussions on pourra conclure que, (...)
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